Changing Lives One Speech at a Time

“Thousands of people have been killed by the terrorist millions injured I am just one.” Malala is very good at what she does she makes sure to get her point across so every girl can have a better life. She probably wouldn’t have stood up at all without support. And, would just be a regular Pakistani  girl but, her parents beleived the same things, so she made a difference. Malala is a girl from Pakistan who stands up for women’s rights and got shot by the Taliban for standing up for girls education. And without support from her parents she would be just a normal Pakistani girl.

It would be hard to stand up for what you believed in without support.  Out of an entire country saying that she was wrong but she didn’t listen to them and just focused on what she believed. Even though she knew it was dangerous she stood up for her country. Going through with doing a very dangerous job like standing up to the Taliban I can imagine that you would need support. Her parents and her dad’s friends really helped her at least thats what i think.

But she was doing very dangerous things for women’s education she had a risk every day that she took. On the other hand, some people did not approve of her and what she was saying but she tuned them out and focused on the people who did. She ignored the people calling her “un-islamic”  or else she would start to feel bad. But she never listened and she was right to because she would become vulnerable the Taliban and what they were saying.

Malala was being very risky presenting speeches and speaking her opinion, but she did it for all girls. So they would have a better life. Malala was very strong to be able to stand up for her rights and not back down. Especially her because she had a lot of reasons to back down. No matter what she did or what happened she still stood up for what she believed in.

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